MoodAmp 1.20 Beta - Free Audio Player Download

Saturday, September 25, 2010

MoodAmp 1.20 Beta

Audio Player Size: 782KB
Audio Player Publisher: MoodAmp
Audio Player Release Date: 2006-11-17
Audio Player Submit Date: 2006-11-17
Audio Player OS: Win 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3

Download MoodAmp 1.20 Beta

Antivirus, Free Software, MoodAmp 1.20 Beta

A lot of people are converting their CD collection to mp3. Soon they discover that there are good music players out there, but no decent juxebox programs are available. That´s why there is MoodAmp.

Using adaptive learning techniques MoodAmp will manage huge MP3 collections easily and always play music that suits your mood. On top of that it will automatically remove duplicate files even if the filename and ID3 tags differ using MoodAmp MP3 Fingerprint technology.

MoodAmp scans all the MP3 files and will extract all ID3 and likewise tags and create a fingerprint for the file. It will not add any files with the same fingerprint filtering out duplicates. Then you will select the mood you are in and MoodAmp will start playing songs. By rating those songs you will be teaching MoodAmp which songs, artist and genres suit you when you are in the mood you selected.
You will be suprised at the rate at which MoodAmp will pick up your taste and you´ll enjoy the luxury of listening to great songs that match your mood all day, every day!