You Tune 1.0 - Free Audio Player Download

Saturday, September 25, 2010

You Tune 1.0

Audio Player Size: 33KB
Audio Player Publisher: Javascript Demos
Audio Player Release Date: 2007-01-29
Audio Player OS: Win 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3

Download You Tune 1.0

Antivirus, Free Software, You Tune 1.0

You Tune(tm)

*** This is NOT an illegal file sharing application ***

The You Tune application allows a group of friends to listen to each other´s favorite songs.

Most "pay as you go" music dowload services allow the purchaser to copy the purchased song to one or more devices, as a "fair use" of the copyrighted material. The You Tune community functions as a server based "fair use" device, equivalent to many people listening to authorized .mp3 files on the same mp3 player.

You Tune members upload a few songs and others are able to listen to them for a limited time. Listen only, not copy or save.

When used as intended, and without modification, the You Tune application respects the rights of copyright owners.

System Requirements:

* A server that supports PHP & MySQL
* An active instance of a MySQL database
* You must have CREATE, INSERT, SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE global permissions for that database
* The code uses a Windows Media Player ActiveX object, exclusively with .mp3 files, and therefore will work only in Internet Explorer, on a Windows system, upon which at least version 6.4 of Media Player is installed

How it works:

* An owner, sets up the code in a You_Tune directory on a server
* Potential members visit the User_Admin.html page to create an account
* They supply an email address and choose their user id, screen name and password
* An email is sent to that address, with a link that must be clicked, to activate the account
* The new member can then log-in on the User_Admin page and start uploading .mp3 files
* The new member can also upload, and/or change, an avatar image
* No more than 15 Members are allowed
* Members and any others can then visit the You_Tune.html page and hover on the avatars to see that person´s screen name
* Clicking on an avatar produces a short playlist of random songs, each with Play button, that are chosen from all of those previously uploaded by that user
* Clicking that avatar again will produce another random play list
* All uploaded songs expire, on a certain date, no more than 10 days after upload, as determined by a setting in the owner´s Admin.xml file
* Songs that have expired are automatically deleted from the server, as added protection for copyright owners
* None of the songs can be downloaded, and none may be "saved as"

User Administration:

* Members can visit the User_Admin.html page, log in and:
* Upload or change their avatar image, in any of these file types: gif, jpg, jpeg and png
* Upload mp3´s
* View a list of all previously uploaded mp3´s and delete selected files

Owner Administration:

* The Admin.xml file contains all the owner modifiable settings
* The maximum number of members, no more than 15
* The maximum number of mp3´s that a member is allowed to upload
* The number of songs that appear in a playlist as described above
* The maximum number of songs that a member may upload at a time, 3 is suggested
* The maximum number of days that songs remains active - no more than 10
* The displayed width and height of avatar images
* And whether to send a welcoming email to existing members upon a new member´s activation
* The Owner_Admin.html page allows the owner to "soft" delete a member
* A deleted member´s account information may not be reused by a potetial new member