White Noise Sleep System 1.2.29 - Free Audio Player Download

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

White Noise Sleep System 1.2.29

Audio Player Size: 9.13MB
Audio Player Publisher: Whitenoisesleepsystem
Audio Player Release Date: 2007-12-29
Audio Player OS: Win XP/2003/Vista

White Noise Sleep System 1.2.29

Antivirus, Free Software, White Noise Sleep System 1.2.29

White Noise Sleep System (WNSS) is a completely customizable Windows application that plays sound samples (mp3, wav, mid, avi, wma, ...) in a continuous loop, effectively masking unwanted noises and creating a sense of calm, making it easier to concentrate, relax and/or sleep.

This application is completely free and will always remain free, which means you can use it free of charge for any purposes.

If you don´t like the sound samples included with this application, you can use your own samples, play your favorite music or play another white noise samples bought / free downloaded (royalty free) from Internet. - You can play up to 5 sound samples simultaneously. For instance you can play "rain" and "fan" simultaneously to effectively mask unwanted noises.

You can schedule events to effectively mask unwanted noises, namely :You can setup a start time for every sound sample; You can setup\change volume (sound player or computer master) over time; You can stop all playing samples; You can close the application when you no longer needs it running; You can shutdown you computer automatically when you no longer needs the application running.